Today was so much fun… ok so the last 5 hours weren’t so much fun but other than that… it was great. WE got up early again because we wanted to go to the coast in Scotland and get some pictures before Kylee and I had to catch our train to Liverpool. Unfortunately it took us a while to figure out how to get to the coast and when we got there it turned out to be just a harbor. It was sad because I wanted to see some cliffs and the sea…but we didn’t have enough time to see if we could get to the real beach. At this point we had about an hour and a half to get to our train so that gave us about an hour to go shopping. Scotland Souvenirs are so cute and I wish that I had more money to buy for my family and friends… but at this point I have to be careful with my money so it wasn’t able to get much. One thing that I did buy that I am really excited for is a CD called… the Red Hot Chilli Pipers. So Great!!! They are a Scottish bagpipe bad that takes popular music at turn it into bagpipe music… but in a cool way. I loved it!

Kylee and I made it to our Liverpool train with minutes to spare and we were relaxed and excited to head to Liverpool. We were on a very tight schedule because we wanted to get to the Beatles Magic and Mystery bus tour but the last one was at 2:30 and our train got into Liverpool Lyme Street station at 2:24 so if our train was even five minutes late we were out of luck. Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened. We got to the Station about 2:31. We were really unhappy about this because we did everything that was in our power to get there on time… it just wasn’t working out for us. But we decided to try anyways and see if there were any other tours we could go on. When we got to the information station they told us that we could still go on the magical mysteries tour because it was so popular that they added another one so it could accommodate more people. We were so excited. We sill had about an hour and a half before the bus tour which left us with just enough time to go through the Beatles Museum
The Beatles Story Museum was so fun because it started from “day one” and literally went from where they all met each other… all the way to when they broke up, and went on solo careers and such. It was so interesting. I wish that we had had more time to actually walk through and really take a look around but we kind of had to run through quickly so we still had time to visit the gift shop (an absolute must for any Beatles fan), and then get to the bus for the tour. We spent some good time in the shop and got some great stuff but now it was time for the bus tour.

It was like two children at Christmas. Kylee and I sat towards the back of the bus and we were literally bouncing in our sears. We had so much fun jamming out to the Beatles and seeing where everything began. We went to each of the boy’s houses. Saw the places where they met, went to school, preformed their music while in Liverpool, and so much more. It was so much fun.

At this point we decided it was time to head back to the train station so that we could go back to London and this is where all the drama began. To make a long story short there had been a fatality, (which is actually quite common Im sorry to say), on the line that our train was coming on so our train got switched to another platform and it was leaving right now… WE BARELY MADE IT. In all the confusion we got separated for a minute and I waited to see where Kylee was… and the train doors closed on us… and oh it was just so frustrating, but we made it. Unfortunately what should have been a two-hour train ride turned into a four and a half hour train ride because we had to back track two hour and then ride to London where our train stopped at almost every port. Oh it was so stressful and we didn’t get back to London until 11pm or so and then to our flats until about 11:45 because of Subway confusion. Needless today we were so ready for bed. All in all the day was amazing though.