Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today we went to Burghley House. This is another house that is featured in one of my most favorite movies Pride and Prejudice. Burghley House is Lady Catherine De Burgh’s home. I was very excited to see this house. When we got there the very first thing we saw (other than the house) were the “pet deer” that live on the property. It was fun because they are so “tame” we were able to walk up to them and feed them right out of our hands. It was like being at a petting zoo.

Burghley House is a very beautiful and unique house. We weren’t able to take pictures inside but you can tell from the outside that the inside is very unique as well. I wish I had pictures but because it wasn’t allowed you will just have to imagine for yourselves. As a guest you walk into the Old Kitchen where you find one of the most amazing collections of copper utensils and dinnerware. From there you walk up the Roman stairs, which are pure marble, and you enter into the Ante Chapel and into the Chapel. The ceiling is molding and carving, and is absolutely beautiful. After you leave the Chapel you walk through the Billiard room and Bow room into the Brown Drawing Room. This room is special because it was where the young Queen Victoria stayed when she visited Burghley House. After this room you walk through a number of beautiful rooms until you enter Queen Elizabeth’s Bedroom. The Deep blues and yellows help make this room feel extremely royal and perfect for a queen. There are many more rooms in this house that are note worthy but the one that stood out most to me was the Heaven Room. The walls and Ceilings are completely covered with scenes and stories of Gods and Goddesses. It was absolutely beautiful. Directly afterward is the Hell Staircase, which while painted in the same manner as the Heaven Room depicts scenes of what hell would look like.

After we were done with the tour of the house we had a small bite to eat and then walked through the gardens. It was extremely cold but you couldn’t pass them up because they were so beautiful. Our day ended in Stamford, which was a cute and quaint little town, but it was so rainy outside that we didn’t want to do much. We walked around for a little bit but soon decided to go back to the bus. Tomorrow is an optional free day and I am hoping to go to Bath but I’m not feeling well. We will see what happens.