Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Happy Bastille Day!!!

Oh man I’m super tired. Sorry but this isn’t going to be very long because not a lot happened today. We got up early and tried to make it to the parade but it was so crowded so we nixed that idea. We went back to the hotel and my plan was to get caught up on homework but I ended up taking like a 5 hour nap instead. I think all this traveling around it finally catching up with me because I’m just so tired. The nap was nice though. At 8pm we decide to go see if we could find some place to sit for the fireworks at the Eiffel Tower. On the way there we stopped and grabbed something to eat, and then by chance we met up with some of the other girls and waited for the fireworks. They had some weird performer named Jonny something sing and then it was time for the fireworks. They were so cool because they had interesting things projected on the Tower. It was cool to see, but it also made me homesick because the 4th of July is my favorite holiday and it was hard to miss it this year. Afterward we wanted to get home fast because Darrin told us that if people knew we were American they might try to cause trouble. Oh it was crazy packed all the way back to the hotel. It’s late now and like I said I’m dead tired so I’m going to call it a night. Sorry again. See ya’ll tomorrow.